Fast sprint is called sprint. Overcoming the distance in hundred meters demands from the sprinter of the maximum concentration, enormous tension of forces and will. But some strong-willed qualities for fast run not always enough. Also technology of run which can't be put without laborious training work is necessary.
- - racetrack (track and field athletics stadium);
- - sportswear and footwear.
1. Master the proper technique of sprinting. At run on hundred meters the knees need to be raised highly and to move hands as soon as possible. It is necessary to make a start at run the foot sock, and at the time of landing it is necessary to put on soil at first the heel, and then to be rolled on the sock. The case in the start of motion has to be inclined forward. A lot of things in the sprint running depend on coherence of work of hands and legs.
2. Include in the training plan runnings on short distances. To gather the speed and high-speed endurance, you need to run daily several times the distance in 30, 50 and 100 meters. Regularly carry out also shuttle run which includes overcoming the ten-meter distance with the subsequent sharp change of the direction of the movement on the return.
3. Learn to take off correctly. At the short distance success is defined by fractions of a second. It is very important to descend from the start position precisely at the time of the referee's signal. It is worth tarrying only for the moment as you already much more will lag behind the main group of starting. The early start isn't welcomed too as in this case the running is considered invalid. Restart always irritates athletes and reduces results.
4. Regularly perform exercises on development of muscles of legs. It can be squats on one and two legs, jumps up steps of the ladder, the vyprygivaniye from the squat. Once a week is recommended to visit gym and to pay attention to exercises on the muscular strength of the hip and shin. However the sprinter as excessive increase in muscle bulk holds down movements at run shouldn't be fond of athletic gymnastics.
5. Fix the performed training work and the results in the diary. Without such control it will be difficult to you to track as far as you moved ahead in mastering art of run on hundred meters. Such diary will allow to correct loading and will give the chance to correctly plan training process for each calendar year.