How to define breed of a cat

How to define breed of a cat

In the world there are more than hundred officially registered cat breeds. Also there is a great number of metises and those types which for the present did not receive the official status. To understand this variety, it is worth learning to define what breed the animal who you want to bring treats or already brought to the house.


1. If you decided to buy a kitten of any concrete breed, then to define his pedigree accessory will not make big work. In advance study literature, look at the description of this breed on the specialized websites on the Internet.

2. Choose conscientious manufacturers. If you want a thoroughbred animal and are going to go behind it to the market is a big mistake. Of course, the option is possible that you really buy the real Maine Coon or Don sphinx there, but other option when the kitten acquired from unknown hands appears the ordinary cat just a little similar to the aristocratic fellows subsequently meets more often.

3. If you after all want to buy a kitten according to the announcement or in the market of animals, then take the person who understands the chosen breed. In your city for certain there are clubs of fans of cats which representatives will hardly refuse to help with the choice of a suitable kitten.

4. Need to define breed arises and when the kitten or already adult animal get to you from the street. Here you will also be come to the rescue by the Internet. Look at photos of the most widespread breeds, compare them to the pet. On the street, different animals get therefore you have every chance to become the owner of a thoroughbred cat.

5. If you are at a loss with determination of breed, then address besides to club of fans of cats or to veterinary clinic where experts will be able precisely to tell that for the representative of cat's lodged in your house.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
