There are certain norms of development of babies aged from 0 up to 3 months. Definition of development of the child happens by several principles to which sensomotor and emotional criteria belong.
Sensomotor razvitiyeot 0 up to 1 month the child cannot independently keep the head in a sitting position yet, and lying on a stomach holds it within several minutes. Hands at it are almost all the time in the twisted situation. There is a prevalence of muscles of sgibatel over muscles razgibatel.
During from 1 to 2 months the kid keeps the head in a prone position on a stomach already much longer, and here his small hands move in chaotic activity. Also at this age he learned to keep the head in a sitting position already a little and is capable to turn it on a sound. Besides, the child manages to detain for several seconds a look on any subject, and he even tries to reach for it.
At the age of 3 months the kid already absolutely freely holds the head lying on a stomach and even sitting. It actively moves hands and legs, and does it with a certain focus. Tries to reach the next object, but, most likely, it is impossible to it so far.
Emotional development of the kid
In the period from 0 to 1 months the child sleeps the most part of days, but in a short space of time wakefulnesses already shows some activity. It is capable to pay attention to sounds, for the first time comes into the first visual contact. Calms down when it is taken on hands - it is its first conditioned reflex. Its crying and shout get a form of a special signal by means of which you will be able to understand that your baby is hungry, wants to drink, sleep or it needs to change a diaper. At the age of 2 months the child already smiles in response to the adult's smile, calms down when hears a familiar voice or sees a familiar face. Listens carefully to the speech of the adult and, imitating it, crools. Also he expresses joy when it is taken on hands when play with it or bathed. In 3 months at the kid the revival complex blossoms, it turns the head on voices or any other sounds. He distinguishes the human speech from foreign sounds, recognizes relatives and tries to draw attention to himself, is capricious when there is one. These are the main norms of development of the baby, but you should not perceive them as obligatory signs of the correct development and to worry if your child does not correspond to any parameters. Remember that each child is individual, and all kids develop differently.