In vegetables well of many vitamins, minerals, cellulose and other useful substances. Vegetable food is especially useful to a children's organism. Vegetables dishes play an important role in activity of a children's organism. Vegetable food in a diet of the child is a guarantee of its healthy growth and full development. Your task as parent to accustom the child there are vegetable dishes.
1. You enter vegetables into the child's diet gradually. Exclude completely vegetable diet. Offer the child vegetable dishes in combination with meat, fish dishes.
2. Include vegetables in structure of its favourite dishes. If the child loves meat dumplings, cutlets, it is possible to add at preparation to forcemeat a little cabbage or squash.
3. Show to the child appetizing eating of vegetable dishes more often. For this purpose the child has to eat always with you at one table. If adult participants of family not fans of healthy vegetable food, have to think over the diet and introduce amendments in it.
4. Arrange the child's meal with other children who love vegetable food. The example of other children for the child will be especially infectious. For this purpose invite other children to yourself home, or you visit.
5. Make out dishes beautifully in the form of any objects, animals or flowers. For example, the boy with the great pleasure and with pleasure will eat a vegetable dish in the form of the machine or a tank.
6. Involve the child in preparation of vegetable dishes. Tell at the same time about vegetables, focus attention about advantage and about delicacy of vegetable delicacies.
7. Apply a skazkoterapiya method that your child fell in love with vegetables dishes. Buy the book with therapeutic fairy tales, find fairy tales in the Internet or compose on this subject and read to the child for night of the tale of advantage of vegetables. Surely discuss fairy tales after reading. The child himself will return to discussion of these fairy tales with you still more than once.
8. Applying any one offered council or all instruction in general, you by all means will achieve enrichment of a diet of your child with useful vegetable dishes. The most important - he will fall in love with healthy and healthy food.