The habit is quickly can result in deplorable results. For you there will be unnoticed taste shades, the food swallowed hastily is acquired worse, bringing problems with digestion. Besides, if you fight against excess weight or just you protect a figure, it is necessary to reduce the rate of absorption of food – so saturation will quicker occur, and volume eaten considerably will decrease.
1. Pass to fractional food, having reduced portions and having reduced intervals between meals. Than you golodny, quicker you will eat with that therefore you sit down at a table, without waiting until the head begins to be turned. Don't read and don't watch TV behind food – so you won't even notice how you ate even more, than gathered. Focus on process, trying to derive pleasure from each piece. Specialists nutritionists disagree that is more useful – is alone or, on the contrary, in the company. Adapting to others speed, people often begin to eat quicker than usual. At the same time, having been fond of a conversation, many almost forget about own plate. Be defined that for you it is more peculiar, and adhere to a suitable way of actions.
2. Choose small spoons and forks. Pay attention to table layout – the it is more difficult and more refined, the more time will leave for lunch or a dinner. If the dish is in a complicated manner decorated, it will also be eaten by you vegetables, fruit), cut on small pieces – the more small food is cut, the more time for it is spent. Don't bite off bread from the whole chunk, and break off little by little. As long as possible chew food more carefully – it not only is useful for digestion, but also leads to faster saturation, and, above all – seriously slows down process of food.
3. Don't start food if you are concerned or upset with something – in a condition of a stress of people often in only a few minutes swallows much more bigger volume, than usually that doesn't do well to either digestion, or appearance. Calm down, you resemble, drink waters and only after that you sit down at a table, trying to concentrate on what you eat. So you also derive pleasure from process, and you will collect the thoughts.