Every year there are more and more people who watch over the health and adhere only to healthy nutrition. The diet has to contain vegetables, rich with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Bean take the worthy place in the dietary menu.
Advantage of a bean
Bean - the representative bean. In common people ""vegetable of eternal youth"". Is very widespread vegetable in cookery, it is used at various diets in a boiled look, stewed and sometimes baked.
100 grams contain only 24-32 kcal. Fats 0.3 grams, 2.5 grams of squirrels, and share of carbohydrates about 3.1 grams. The main part of weight is a cellulose.
Haricot contains a large amount of useful substances, such as:
- group B vitamins - interfere with development of diseases of vessels and hearts. Promote full regulation of hormones;
- iron - influences a condition of blood, thereby supports rather good level of hemoglobin;
- copper - plays an important role in formation of the musculoskeletal device;
- molybdenum -acts as prophylactic;
- potassium - is necessary for normal work of heart and vessels;
- zinc - helps with treatment of skin diseases and the reproductive system of men;
- cellulose - promotes normal digestion of food and fights against gas generation.
Useful properties of haricot for pregnant women and kids
Pregnancy is a special period in life of each woman. Health of the kid depends on food of future mom. During pregnancy, each woman needs to use haricot, but in absolutely small amounts. Vegetable contains folic acid which stabilizes a hormonal background, improves work of a GIT and kidneys. Useful properties help future mummy with incubation. Women have no anemia, there are no locks and hypostases, there is no excessive pigmentation and emotional instability. Unique advantage of haricot not only for mother, but also for the child. Haricot doesn't cause gas generation and is well acquired. It can be used from 10 months, only if the kid has no problems with a GIT.
Harm and contraindications
As well as many other food, haricot contains contraindications too and can do rather strong harm to an organism. Haricot isn't recommended to elderly people. They have a high probability of emergence of a meteorizm, swelling and problems with a chair. Vegetable is strictly forbidden to be used in food to people with gastric diseases, such as:
- colitis;
- gastritises;
- stomach ulcers;
Haricot dishes with spices and in fried a look should be excluded at pancreatitis, at advanced age and last months pregnancies. These contraindications are serious and people the diseases suffering such have to exclude haricot from the diet and replace it with safer vegetables. If not to make it, then the risk of exacerbation of diseases and to the general deterioration in the state of health is probable.
Haricot widespread vegetable. Widely use it in cookery. Young haricot is well combined with carrots, a cauliflower, broccoli and other vegetables. Often green beans are included in dishes with low-fat meat. At preparation of dishes from the asparagus frozen haricot, it needs to be boiled thoroughly in water with salt about 15 minutes. Because of presence of a large amount of lectins there can be a disorder of digestion therefore it isn't recommended to use beans in the raw. But at preparation it is impossible to digest pods, otherwise a case their advantage will be lost.
In recipes of traditional medicine. Stalks of haricot use for preparation of tea which is good diuretic. Infusions and broths at diabetes. Ancient Egypt used haricot in cosmetology as masks, the bleaching and tightening face treatment. Masks with its addition are widespread, they have the rejuvenating and refreshing effect.