Humpback salmon: than it is useful how to prepare

Humpback salmon: than it is useful how to prepare

 The humpback salmon does not belong to the most expensive looks of red fish, but it does not do her meat less useful at all, than at so the salmon loved by all and the Pacific trout. And here what valuable is in this fish in what cases it surely should be included in the diet and in what it is better to refrain from this dish and also as it is correct to prepare a humpback salmon — not everyone knows.

For descriptive reasons information on the chemical composition of a humpback salmon is provided in a table form. The data provided in it are specified at the rate on 100 g of crude fish fillet.


Caloric content

≈140–150 Kcal


20–25 g






70 g


5–6 g


55–60 mg


1.1-2.3 g

stearin acid

1.15 g

palmitic acid

1.13 g

miristinovy acid

0.2 g

margarine acid

0.1 g

arakhinovy acid

0.03 g


1.6-1.78 g

gadoleinovy acid (omega-9)

0.2 g

oleic acid (omega-9)

0.95 g

palmitoleinovy acid

0.6 g

geptadetsenovy acid

0.06 g


2.16 g


1.6 g

eykozapentayenovy acid

1.53 g

alpha and linolenic acid

0.06 g


0.6 g

arachidonic acid

0.43 g

linoleic acid

0.14 g


vitamin A (retinolovy equivalent)

30 mkg


30 mkg

B1 vitamin (thiamine)

200 mkg

B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum)

160 mkg

B3 vitamin (nicotinic acid)

12.5 mg

B4 vitamin (is well-cared)

95 mg

B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid)

750 mkg

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine)

2 mg

B9 vitamin (folic acid)

400 mkg

B12 vitamin (kobalamin)

3 mkg

vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

90 mg

vitamin D (calciferol)

10 mkg

vitamin E (tocopherol)

15 mg

vitamin K (fillokhinon)

120 mkg


Chlorine (Cl)

2,300 mg


90-1,300 mg

Sulfur (S)

1,000 mg


400–450 mg

Potassium (K)

335 mg

Phosphorus (PH)

200 mg

Calcium (Sa)

20 mg


18 mg


12 mg

Fluorine (F)

4 mg

Manganese (Mn)

2 mg

Copper (Cu)

1 mg

Iodine (I)

0.1 mg

Molybdenum (Mo)

70 mkg


55 mkg


50 mkg

Cobalt (With)

10 mkg


6 mkg



1 g


1.2 g


0.9 g


0.9 g


1.7 g


2 g


0.5 g


1.1 g


0.2 g


1 g



1.3 g

Asparaginic acid

2.5 g


1.3 g

Glutamic acid

2.8 g


0.7 g


0.9 g


0.5 g


0.3 g

Whether you know? The term red we usually call fish which meat has pink or orange color (salmon, a trout, a humpback salmon). However actually this concept includes three groups of fishes who are especially valuable and tasty, namely: sturgeon, salmon and white-pink salmon. At the same time not only one and all sturgeon, but also some salmon (for example, a nelma or some species of a trout) have white color of meat, and the word red in this case is a synonym of the word beautiful and to color of any relation has no.

  • having eaten only 100 g of a humpback salmon, it is possible to satisfy completely the daily need of an organism for the most valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-3, vitamins D and B12 and also in such irreplaceable amino acid as tryptophane (it is necessary for normal work of nervous system);
  • in 150 g of a humpback salmon the daily dose of selenium — the microcell necessary for our organism in very small quantities, but from this not less important, especially if to consider that it is present at very limited quantity of products contains;
  • for completion of reserves of B3 and B6 vitamins it is enough to eat 200 g of a humpback salmon.

The main value of the fat sea fish who is especially living in cold waters (namely the humpback salmon belongs to this category) — polyunsaturated fatty acids, first of all an omega-3.

Important! People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases should increase the consumption rate of the products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-3, at least by one and a half times, and it is even better — twice.

Unlike other types of fats (including the saturated and also monounsaturated and considered as less useful polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-6), an omega-3 have the following most useful properties:

  • bring bad cholesterol out of an organism, preventing thereby obesity and various cardiovascular pathologies, in particular, thromboses and strokes;
  • perform antioxidant function — free radicals who are also one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes connect;
  • normalize arterial blood pressure;
  • make salutary impact on joints, protecting cartilaginous tissue from premature destruction;
  • promote regeneration of cell and fabrics;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • stabilize work of a brain and nervous system;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • strengthen immunity.

Red fish, including humpback salmon, is valuable not only existence in its composition of acids an omega-3 and an omega-6. Much more important them a ratio. The fact is that fatty acids an omega-6 though they are also necessary to our organism, usually come to it in much bigger quantity, than it is desirable. In the different countries there is various approach to a proper correlation of two of these acids, beginning from almost unattainable one to one to more real one to five.

But the problem is in what residents of the countries which are far from the sea consume an omega-6 ten times bigger, than an omega-3. And if to consider that because of the high price the fat sea fish becomes less available, this ratio constantly increases.

Important! In red caviar the ratio of two acids is made 1:100 in advantage by an omega-3.

As in a humpback salmon of the most useful the omega-3 is three times more, than less valuable an omega-6, there are no doubts in that, it is how important to indulge at least sometimes himself this remarkable fish. It is also worth noting that despite very high content of the specified fatty acids in a humpback salmon, you should not be afraid of their overdose, valuable red fish is hardly present at our table every day.

Besides the general useful properties of a humpback salmon for a human body, it is possible to mark out the special qualities important for women and for men. So, it will be interesting to women to learn that a humpback salmon:

  • despite high fat content, is a dietary product and it is absolutely safe for a waist (certainly if to use it in moderate quantities);
  • stimulates cell regeneration and, thus, slows down aging processes;
  • stimulates reproductive function;
  • well influences a condition of skin and hair;
  • remarkably calms nerves, prevents development of a depression, insomnia, alarm and fear, improves mood;
  • normalizes work of an urinogenital system;
  • restores balance of hormones of a thyroid gland, prevents development of pathologies of an endocrine system.

It will be interesting to learn - how tasty to prepare a grouper, a haddock and fresh fish fish soup.

The humpback salmon will help men to become more vigorous, active and strong and also will very well affect their sexuality. In particular, it has ability:

  • to improve memory;
  • to increase working capacity, to fill an organism with vital forces;
  • to increase potency;
  • to promote increase in activity of spermatozoa.

Influence of a humpback salmon on an organism in many respects depends on how it was prepared. It is the best of all to eat fish in the boiled or baked look, however fish canned food or smoked fillet are quite admissible. The most important is not so much the concrete way of preparation of fish, how many observance of technological process when processing and, of course, quality and fresh initial raw materials.

Very few people can enjoy a fresh-caught humpback salmon as the area of dwelling of this fish is very limited. Most often it gets on a table in the form of canned food. And it is not necessary to be afraid of it. Of course, heat treatment destroys a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances, but there are also pleasant exceptions. An omega-3 nonsaturated fatty acids in a tinned humpback salmon remain completely. The same concerns such elements as calcium and magnesium and also many amino acids.

Important! Modern technologies allow to preserve in the course of preservation even those useful substances which would be lost at preparation of fish in house conditions.

The danger of this type of processing is that at dishonesty of the producer fish canned food can become the reason such dangerous, and in the absence of antidote and a fatal disease as botulism. It is impossible to eat contents of the blown-up cans with canned food at all and also a product after expiry date. Besides, buying a tinned humpback salmon, it is always necessary to study attentively structure of a product — in particular, the list of additives which the producer used as preservatives or amplifiers of taste. One more unpleasant feature of canned food — the high content in them of salt and oil. Fortunately, the humpback salmon is often preserved in own juice; in such product of oil should not be, only fish and a small amount of salt. It should be noted that the similar way of conservation practically does not increase the caloric content of fish. In 100 g of a tinned humpback salmon 136 kcal contain, that is it is even less, than in crude fillet.

One more remarkable way of preparation of fish for rather long storage — salting. Caloric content of such product is, however, slightly higher: in 100 g about 169 kcal, but the majority of useful components contain already, considering lack of thermal treatment, in a ready-made product will be kept. At respect for technology (and it is possible to salt a humpback salmon independently) and its use in moderate quantities, such option of preparation is not worse, than cooking and roasting.

As a result of smoking the caloric content of a humpback salmon increases more significantly — almost up to 200 kcal in 100 g. Many useful components, including fatty acids an omega-3, in smoked fish remain, and still the similar way of preparation does a humpback salmon by very undesirable product at many diseases and states.

Important! Experts from the Australian Oncological center (Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center) established that the liquid smoke which is used when smoking meat and fish stimuliruyushche affects protein r53 which is called sometimes the guard of a genome as he is the chief defender of an organism from cancer. Approximately in half of atypical cages gene mutations r53 are observed. Therefore the statement that excessive consumption of smoked products can lead to development of oncological diseases is scientifically proved.

Smoked products often contain also other dangerous chemical additives. Besides, they irritate a mucous membrane of a stomach, negatively influence all system of digestion and can cause allergic reactions. Thus, a smoked humpback salmon is it is possible, but not all and in small amounts.

All know of advantage of red caviar. Caviar contains all useful substances which are present at the corresponding species of fish, and keeping of some of them can even be higher (first of all it belongs to an omega-3 to fatty acids). But red caviar is a product of a pickles therefore you should not abuse it precisely. Nutritionists recommend to be limited to several teaspoons of caviar at one time. The extra care at the use of a product should be shown that who suffers from hypostases.

Milts of salmons, as well as their caviar, are very rich an omega-3 with nonsaturated fatty acids. Besides, the protein which is contained in them incorporates the protamins exclusively useful at certain diseases, in particular, at diabetes of 1 type as they slow down insulin absorption. Thus, if at the acquired carcass of a humpback salmon there are milts, it is not necessary to throw out them definitely.

The humpback salmon has not enough contraindications. But in certain cases nevertheless It is necessary to tell about features of its use separately.

The pregnant woman and the feeding mother surely should include a humpback salmon or other red fish in a diet for what there are concrete reasons:

  • red fish helps to prevent a postnatal depression — the phenomenon very unpleasant and quite widespread;
  • both during pregnancy, and after the child's birth it is very important to woman to keep calm, to sleep well, be in good mood, to be freshen and active — all this is perfectly promoted by the use of a humpback salmon;
  • childbirth is the severe stress for the woman's organism so at this moment it is a high time to think of extension of youth and appeal — so, the use of the products containing vitamins and antioxidants;
  • dietary properties of a humpback salmon will help young mother quickly and without wearisome starvation to restore weight after the delivery;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding of the woman very often suffer from locks, and the humpback salmon promotes improvement of a vermicular movement of intestines;
  • the minerals which are a part of red fish are absolutely necessary for future and young mother, the huge reserve of these substances is spent for development of the kid, and the organism of the woman is supplied with them by the residual principle therefore very often suffers their shortage.

It should be noted what a smoked humpback salmon to pregnant women and nursing mothers is it is not recommended, and the use salty during incubation of the kid should be limited in view of increase in threat of formation of hypostases.

Whether you know? It is proved that the regular use by the woman of red fish during pregnancy minimizes risk of emergence at the kid of such disease as bronchial asthma. Besides, children at such women differ in earlier and pronounced development of mental capacities.

The fish diet consisting in the greatest possible replacement of meat in the diet on fish is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of excess weight, without having done at the same time harm to the health. It is the best of all to cope with excess weight cold water fishes help, that is the humpback salmon in this sense is a great choice.

But nevertheless it must be kept in mind that the humpback salmon, along with a trout, a jack mackerel, a tuna, a grouper and some other, belongs to medium-calorie types while inhabitants of sea depths with caloric content not higher than 100 kcal on 100 g best of all are suitable for weight loss. Thus, it is possible to use a humpback salmon as dietary food, but it is not necessary to abuse it, replacing it with more fast a cod, a navaga or a hake. And of course, those who wants to lose weight do not suit smoked fish dishes at all and salty also not in the best way will affect process of disposal of extra kilos.

Gastritis and pancreatitis are not contraindications to the use of a humpback salmon — moreover, this grade of fish which is considered as dietary perfectly is suitable for the people suffering from problems with digestive system.

Nevertheless besides quite obvious ban on the use smoked and salty, at a sharp form of a disease it is necessary to exclude from a diet fried fish also. On a table during this period there can be only a boiled or stewed humpback salmon and also the fish steamed.

According to many endocrinologists and nutritionists, salmon enter ten the most useful fishes at diabetes. These grades contain a large amount of easily acquired protein and also the vitamins and minerals absolutely necessary for any diabetic. Moreover, diabetes is quite compatible to the use of a fried humpback salmon and also to the dishes from it prepared on a grill.

And here salty and smoked fish is it is undesirable as also that, and other way of preparation assumes the increased salt content in the final product, and table salt at diabetes, as we know, has to be used in the minimum doses — no more than 12 g a day.

Whether you know? The Indians inhabiting the North American continent believe that the salmon is the very first product which was eaten by the person. And it is not surprising: salmon species of fish were the main food of natives who lived on the northern coast of the Pacific Ocean and the rivers flowing nearby.

Two simplest recipes for this fish — roasting and salting.

  • carcass of a humpback salmon (fresh, cooled or frozen);
  • 1 lemon;
  • onions — one big bulb or two averages;
  • one processed cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt, pepper — to taste.
  1. Sort fish. Remove the head, fins, interiors, a spine and small bones. Divide a carcass into two halves, and everyone — into portion pieces.
  2. Lay out fish a skin down on the baking sheet paved with a foil layer. Previously the foil should be oiled vegetable that fish did not stick.
  3. Salt meat, strew with fresh ground pepper.
  4. Wring out juice from a lemon and generously water with it fillet.
  5. Let's fish be kept waiting, having left it to stand at the room temperature of 20 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile clean onions, cut half rings and fry on vegetable oil to transparency (if desired it is possible to protomit onions slightly longer, before emergence of golden color).
  7. Grate cheese.
  8. Add mayonnaise and crude egg to cheese. Properly mix the received gas station.
  9. Lay out the fried onions on fish, evenly distributing it on a carcass.
  10. From above fill in a carcass with cheese and egg gas station.
  11. It is necessary to bake a humpback salmon under a fur coat in the oven warmed up to 180 °C within 35 minutes.
  12. Lay out fish on plates a la carte. At will it is possible to decorate a dish with a segment of a lemon and fresh greens.

Such dish can be used without a garnish as it very nourishing and high-calorie, but if desired its taste will remarkably shade boiled rice or a kartofa

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
