How to make canopy

How to make canopy

Being at the dacha, so often there is a wish to hide from the scorching sun or pouring rain. But not always for this purpose it is necessary to run to the house. It is possible to continue tea drinking on the street during heat and dampness if you have canopy. It is quite easy to build the simplest canopy the hands.

It is required to you

  • Columns or beams, plywood, nails or screws, rope, shovel, cane or tarpaulin, construction stapler, hot drying oil, diesel fuel or creosote.


1. First of all it is necessary to choose material for canopy. There is scope for imagination. It is possible to manage plain waterproof tarpaulin. But, perhaps, it is worth choosing way more difficult and to create original canopy from cane. For this purpose it is necessary to collect on nearby reservoir cane in large number, to cut off nimbuses and to leave stalks. Then these stalks should be dried up, for safety to sprinkle a little on them fire-prevention impregnation. Now to do I rat for canopy is possible.

2. The roof requires piece of plywood and polyethylene film. Cover veneer sheet with film so that it hanged down a little at the edges. then attach edges of film to reverse side of plywood leaf by means of the construction stapler. After that connect cane stalks in bunches. Diameter of bunches has to be approximately equal to 10 cm. Then cover with bunches roof, having arranged them densely to each other. The cane should be strengthened rope. For this purpose it it is necessary to gush over through all roof and to beat in the middle and from edges nails or to fasten screws.

3. Now it is necessary to make support for canopy. Under future racks prepare poles of 40-50 cm in depth. Spread the prepared in advance wooden columns or bars of the necessary height with hot drying oil, diesel fuel or creosote. It becomes for prevention of rotting. Then put them in poles, fill up with gravel and fill in for durability with concrete solution. When concrete stiffens, fasten from above support with beams. Beams have to form equal rectangle. That your canopy did not sag from above, beat on rectangle from above bars. They have to be in parallel each other. Now attach bamboo roof.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
