To have own court today it became prestigious and profitable. You will open opportunities not only interestingly and it is useful to spend free time, but also to draw attention to itself, to strike up acquaintances among decent public and to become dear person. Previously study the plan of the forthcoming works.
1. Choosing covering for the tennis field, unambiguously give preference to soil flooring. Refuse use of plastic material. You to be necessary to deliver about 300 cubic meters of crushed stone. Establish the trays intended for removal of sedimentary waters. Make the base on perimeter that the drainage pillow kept. Buy hose to water the field.
2. Make site of court 20 m by 40 m in size. Direct long axis of court from the North to the South. Enclose perimeter of site with protection from the metal gauze which cells have to be no more than 4 by 4 cm, and height of the bearing columns from 4 m. It is reasonable to land from outer side of site on liana grid. So you will create green background, it will become good noticeable tennis ball. It is better to choose columns for grid from tree. Close up them in concrete, filling depth - 1.20 m. Such site will allow to play at the same time to four players.
3. Pick up tennis grid in length of 12.8 m, in width - 1.06 m. Pull it between the wooden columns driven on 0.75 m which you have to place, having receded 0.91 m from the established sideline. Build in in the middle of grid boot from pipe on which the hook is established to fix grid at the height of 0.91 m. The top line of grid has to be at distance of 1.06 m from earth surface, and make height of columns level with grid height. Equip columns with devices in the form of the blocks and hooks intended for tension of grid.
4. For winter use of the tennis field provide possibility of the equipment of skating rink. For this purpose do columns removable, insert them into glasses from pipes which size of 20 by 90 cm. Fill in glasses in concrete.
5. You monitor the correct laying of drainage. You remove surface equal and elastic that the ball well recoiled. Give it the minimum bias on both sides from grid. Dig deepening under site deep into on 25-30 cm. On bottom arrange drainage in the form of grooves, fill them with slag or crushed stone. On ready deepening fill layer of crushed stone of 10 cm. Consider diameter of grains of crushed stone within 5-10 cm. Roll crushed stone skating rink, watering periodically for the best consolidation. From above the layer of slag and integumentary layer prepared from special mix is necessary.