Each person has shortcomings. When the man falls in love, he idealizes the darling, without noticing small defects. But some female types irritate men and such women have serious difficulties with creation of the relations.
Modern men impose rather strict requirements to girls. To construct the relations, women need to pay attention to the behavior. Psychologists allocated several female types which just irritate men.
Many girls make a mistake when having hardly got acquainted with the guy begin to ask from him money, to hint at expensive gifts. Wealthy men take similar behavior very painfully. Such girls irritate them also desire to communicate vanishes further as it does not become clear that it is actually necessary for the companion: money or love.
If there is desire to construct the harmonious relations, you should not try to shift all the expenses to the man. It is better to undertake visits of beauty shop and purchase of clothes completely. This council is especially relevant for a rose and candy stage. It is necessary to understand that the man at this stage in general has to nothing to the woman.
The girls liking to pretend to be
Men are irritated by girls who constantly try to pose as those whom are not. They do not understand why to give to the modest woman themselves for the vamp, and to the woman with character to pretend to be modest and obedient. It looks very ridiculously and ridiculously. The best policy - to remain itself. In this case the man will not be waited by a surprise when acquaintance develops into something bigger. Guys are frightened off by the girls liking to pretend to be because they do not know how the darling will prove in the future what she is real.
Rough and vulgar
Rude and vulgar persons are not pleasant to anybody. Men avoid them. If the girl is rude, uses foul language, it is not pleasant to communicate with her. Some women purposely are rude, trying to look more modern, brightly. It is a big mistake. Even if some man will pay attention, it will be dictated by desire to find more available option for fleeting hobby.
It is possible to love and accept itself with the shortcomings and to advantages and it is necessary. But it does not cancel a sober view on the character and appearance. Strongly irritates men when girls try to speak about own beauty, uniqueness continually, to emphasize it at each opportunity. Even stronger the habit to talk down with other people pushes away. In this case there is only one desire - to put the arrogant person into place.
Pathological jealous women
Men are irritated by pathological jealous women. Women who begin to be jealous without having constructed the strong relations yet, push away. You should not perceive the elect as the property and to make to him rows concerning each careless look aside. To anything good it will not lead.
With female bores it is impossible to be nearby long. All of them time teach, slightly criticize. Nobody wants to listen to lectures on advantage of vegetarianism or an urinoterapiya. If there is desire to be pleasant to the guy, but not to anger him, you should not be obsessed with the same subjects or to stay constantly in gloomy mood.
Victims of fashion and plastic surgery
Most of men wish to see near themselves the woman dressed with taste, with pleasant, but natural features. General hobby of girls for plastic surgery is pleasant not to all. Men do not understand why it is necessary to follow blindly fashion trends and to carry what categorically does not go. Women who constantly try to change something in themselves frighten off an opposite sex and cause feeling of rejection.
Too persistent
Men love freedom. The girls dialing number of the beloved on hundred times a day irritate. Constant questions of where there was an elect and with whom that he did when he calls next time where he will lead on an appointment, enrage men. If the woman behaves thus, she, most likely, will remain one.
To find harmony in the relations, it is necessary to give to the man the chance to prove and not to show excessive persistence. It is necessary to struggle with desire to place all points over ""i"". If the elect asked the phone number and invited to an appointment, it is not an occasion yet to try to learn how it to treat a marriage.