The relations not always come to an end with a wedding, sometimes the love passes, and there are thoughts of parting. Having seriously considered a situation and having decided on this step, it is necessary to report about it to the guy.
- Sheet of paper.
1. Pave the way for parting in advance. Begin to meet less often, to talk less, let it know that in the relations there was a split. If the gap happens unexpectedly, it will be difficult to it to believe and reconcile in it. And if he remembers that in the relations there was a split, it will be simpler to it to accept the parting fact.
2. Of course, it is better to report about parting at a personal meeting to show the respect for the partner. But if it is difficult or inconvenient to you to report such news in eyes, use the letter. But not the SMS message, in it a small amount of symbols is located. It is better to handwrite the letter or, as a last resort, in private messages of social networks.
3. Think of the reasons which entailed your parting. If in them there is nothing offensive for the guy, it is possible to specify them in the letter. But only if it does not concern his appearance, material prosperity or other personal problems. It is possible to tell about your incompatibility, for example, if you want to bring children, and it is not ready to them.
4. Do not sort out the relations and do not accuse it of something. The last letter has to leave about you a good impression, and you should not lift old offenses, scandals and to remember its misses.
5. Do not give up hopes. The letter has to accurately let know that between you everything is over. If it has belief in your future, the young man will not be able to go further. So write that considered a situation and all well weighed. You are firmly sure that you have no future, and it will be best of all to leave now.
6. Wish good luck and happy private life. Write that heartily you wish it to find mutual love with other girl who will appreciate it, and they will be happy. Remind that you should not despair and be closed in yourself.
7. Do not try to touch the young man. It is not necessary to add to the letter "I never loved you" or "you are awful in a bed". Sometimes there is desire to state everything saved up for many years, but most often the regret about an act comes then. Write two versions of the letter better: in one introduce all the ideas, and remove another insults and causticities. Send the second option, and burn the first or tear.
8. If you used not social networks, but the letter, put it in an envelope. It is possible to print the letter on the computer, to unpack, and below manually to write the name. It is necessary to leave the message in a visible place to be sure of delivery. It will turn out awkwardly if you are sure of your gap, and it will not receive your message. Throw in a mailbox, in a pocket of his coat or leave on a table in its apartment.