What is stretching

What is stretching

After the difficult working day sometimes so there is a wish to change scenery and to spend time with advantage for itself and the figure. Occupations in the gym hall rather exhausting also don't dispose to the relaxation and relaxation. But there is such direction of trainings which will help not only to come the form, but also not to be tired of loud music and intensive training.

The Streyching assumes the gradual extension of muscles and achievement of flexibility of the body. That isn't all pluses which occur during the occupations. The Streyching perfectly lightens the mood, removes stresses and restores sportswear. As a rule, classes are given under the melodious weakening music that distracts from day cares and problems.

After several trainings the result won't keep itself waiting long, besides flexibility and ease, coordination of movements is got, the bearing improves. It is also very difficult to get the trauma or stretching because movements easy and smooth, are evenly distributed on all muscles. 

The Streyching is subdivided into several types which can be combined during the occupations with the coach. The first look is the slow extension. During the slow extension, exercises, slowly and thoughtfully are performed that especially effectively for the training of muscles.

The static extension perfectly affects the figure, so poses of exercises are fixed for short time that allows to stretch and strengthen as much as possible everything, even the most problem zones.

Ballistic extension - one more type of the streyching. It provides the extension of muscles under body weight.

And, at last, partner extension. This look is carried out by means of the workmate that allows to perform more difficult exercises and to enhance effect thanks to the additional weight of the partner.

Without a doubt, the result, first of all, depends on correctness of performance of exercises therefore at the initial stage it is better to be engaged in small groups or with the personal coach.

 If exercises are performed correctly, then and the effect of them will be obvious practically at once. And, it will affect not only the bearing, gait and flexibility of the body, but also as fine prevention of extra kilos and cellulitis.

 After the trainings there pass dorsodynias which are characteristic of people with the inactive lifestyle because we spend the most part of time or driving the car, or at the computer therefore, giving preferences to the streyching, we restore also our health, the bonus we receive the sound healthy sleep and vigorous awakening.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
