Your child does not want to learn lessons. What it is laziness, simple obstinacy, desire to someone something to prove or just poor progress? The reasons a set, and at each age they are different. Parents cannot neglect current situation, they have to affect a problem with study, while the getting is good.
1. Allocate for the school student the separate room, but not a corner in the general room.
2. Create comfortable conditions in the room. Furniture has to correspond to age of the child. A desk arrange according to sanitary standards.
3. Remove the distracting objects from a field of vision or hearing: TV, computer, toys and sweets.
4. Make together with the child the day regimen considering and its wishes. It is desirable to carry out lessons not at once as soon as the child came from school. Allow to him time for rest and a lunch. Do not tighten rest time late - by the evening your school student will be tired and will want to sleep, but not to do homework.
5. Teach to distribute the child correctly time for doing homework. First of all difficult and difficult tasks are performed: mathematics, chemistry, physics.
6. Allow to interrupt performance of lessons on a small break – 10-15 minutes within one hour.
7. Remind the child of need to do homework when time approached, according to the schedule. Do not force it to be engaged, you do not press, you do not shout, and just remind.
8. Have patience if the child slowly penetrates into the meaning of homeworks. Prompt if the task caused difficulties, but do not carry out lessons for the child.
9. Give control over lessons to the child, do not interfere with process of preparation of homework until you about it are asked.
10. Consult with the teacher of phone if you doubt correctness of performance of a task.
11. You praise the child for correctly performed homeworks, for accurate handwriting, the beautiful drawing, etc.
12. Do not abuse the child for failure. Try to understand a new subject better why suddenly the child received at the lesson "neud" why he brought in the diary "remark" of the teacher.
13. Show on examples of familiar people and own example what gives a good education in further life and that gives an ignorance.
14. Make in the opinion of the child not study unfashionable.
15. Never offend the child by "idler", to "bezdarye", "idler".