Diet of the feeding woman — a difficult and extensive subject for conversations. Many sweet teeth worry about whether it is necessary to refuse completely sweet for feeding.
General recommendations
Most of doctors agree that sweets during feeding by a breast can be eaten, but in limited quantity. It is necessary to exclude completely from a diet various sweet sparkling water, chocolate and its derivatives, cakes with fat cream.
Were included in the list of the "resolved" sweets fruit jelly (the most natural and without dyes), a fruit candy, marshmallows, low-fat yogurt or cheesecakes, dried fruits, various candied fruits and baked apples.
The thing is that small children on breastfeeding often have an allergy or common problems to digestion if their mothers eat incorrectly. In the past the doctors allowed the feeding women to use condensed milk as was considered that from it breast milk becomes more tasty and fatter. But the modern condensed milk oversaturated by preservatives and additives badly approaches for a role of healthy and safe food so it should be excluded from a diet too if, of course, you do not want to make the house version of this delicacy.
Terms and nuances of food
After three months of breastfeeding it is possible to enter new types of products gradually. When in your diet milk, cocoa, oil and other confectionery "features" appear, you will be able to indulge yourself with a house dessert like the potato cake. In general, during feeding it is possible to please with good home-made pastries itself more often than purchased as in it there are no various preservatives. However, beginning to eat a new product, especially if it is about sweets, be most careful, do not eat new, unfamiliar to your kid I go in large numbers, his digestive system is quite weak and can inadequately react to new loadings. If you want sweets, enter them into a diet gradually, over time increasing portions. After six-month feeding by a breast you can allow yourselves to eat any food, but the accuracy needs to be observed nevertheless. The fact is that too high content of sugar has negative impact on health of the child and mother. Besides it is very important to monitor emergence of allergic reactions in the child. If your kid has no expressed allergic and other negative reactions to products which you use, you are able to afford any sweets, let and in small amounts. However it is worth avoiding in what there are a lot of preservatives as they just damage health.