For some reason beef tongue was always more demanded, than pork. It is unfair. Dozens of rich and tasty dishes can be prepared from pork tongue too. At the same time they will be not less nutritious and appetizing, than from beef because it is the same delicacy.
Pork tongue pineapples salad
- boiled pork tongue – 300 g; - cheese of firm grades – 150 g;
- pineapple tinned – 3 ringlets; - paprika – 1 piece; - garlic – 1 clove; - pomegranate seeds; - salt and the black pepper ground - to taste; - greens for ornament; - mayonnaise or natural yoghourt.
Cut boiled pork tongue and cheese with straws, and pineapple ringlets – cubes. At paprika remove seeds and chop long strips. Miss the garlic clove cleaned from a peel through a press. Connect all prepared ingredients in a bowl, salt, pepper to taste, dress with mayonnaise or a natural yoghourt and mix. Spread out salad on portion salad bowls, decorate with the chopped greens and seeds of pomegranate.
Pork tongue baked
Ingredients: - fresh pork tongue – 600 g; - the white beans preserved – 500 g; - a desi – 50 g; - a thyme fresh – 2 g; - the Italian herbs (dry-mix) – 2 g; - bay leaf – 2 leaflets; - pepper pink peas – 0.5 tablespoons; - salt to taste. Wash out pork tongues, put in the boiling water and you cook within 5 minutes. Drain this water, wash out languages under the crane, put them in the fresh boiling water, add 10 peas of pink pepper, bay leaf, salt and you cook 1.5 hours on average fire. Get and put for a couple of minutes in cold water, clean from a thin skin. Then cut languages on the plates about 0.5 cm thick. Grease a form for roasting with a desi, lay language plates at each other, from above crumble a thyme, put the desi cut in cubes. Mix salt with the Italian herbs and salt languages. Put a form in the oven warmed up to 150 wasps for 15-20 minutes. Give on the garnished warmed tinned white beans table, watering every portion with the oil sauce formed when roasting.
Casserole from pork tongue
It is required to you: - pork tongues; - fresh potatoes; - onion; - cheese of firm grades; - sour cream or mayonnaise; - vegetable oil; - salt. You can take ingredients in any quantity. Boil pork tongues, as in the previous recipe. Boil potatoes to semi-readiness. Cut languages and potatoes thin circles. Clean onions from a peel and cut with rings. Grate cheese. Take a form for roasting, oil its internal walls vegetable. Lay potatoes circles on a bottom, from above – onions ringlets, then – circles of the boiled skinless tongue. Grease from above plentifully with sour cream or mayonnaise and put in the oven warmed up to 180 wasps for 20 minutes. Get almost ready casserole from an oven, strew from above with a grated cheese and send to an oven again for 5-7 minutes. The tasty, rich and appetizing dish is ready.