Whether it is possible for pregnant women is dried apricots

Whether it is possible for pregnant women is dried apricots

At women in vermya pregnancies often change flavoring preferences. At the same time there is everything what is wanted, it is already impossible as it can negatively affect not only their health, but also development of their future kid. Pregnant women have to approach responsibly the food and carefully think over the menu. One of the most favourite and at the same time disputable products is dried apricots. In this article we will consider all pluses and minuses of this sukhofrukt for pregnant women.

Dried apricots is halves of dried apricots. In the course of drying they got rid of water, and the amount of nutrients remained the same. That is why concentration of vitamins and minerals in dried apricots is much higher, than in fresh fruit.

Everything a few years ago doctors did not allow to use dried apricots during pregnancy, now, on the contrary, recommend.

Whether you know? The Latin name of an apricot suggests to the Armenian fruit (the Armenian apple) an idea that Romans considered Armenia the homeland of this fruit.

The organism of future mother has to cope with double loading. Its resources are spent for maintenance of own forces and for formation growing in the little man therefore daily replenishment by useful substances is necessary. Dried apricots as they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for it can become strong support for the woman during this period:

  • vitamins of the B, A, C, E, PP group;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, silicon, cobalt, copper;
  • pectin, organic acids, cellulose, sucrose and fructose.

Such rich chemical composition does dried apricots very useful to pregnant women and their future kids as works as follows:

  • normalizes work of a muscular system in general and a cardiac muscle in particular, helps at spasms;
  • has diuretic effect and helps at hypostases;
  • interferes with development of pathological deviations in a fruit, lowers risk of an abortion and premature birth;
  • contributes to the correct development of bone and nervous systems of the child and calms nervous system of mother;
  • helps to cope with anemia;
  • strengthens immunity of the woman and contributes to the development of protective forces in her future kid;
  • cleans an organism from radionuclides, heavy metals and free radicals;
  • strengthens a cardiovascular system and lowers the increased arterial blood pressure;
  • reduces amount of bad cholesterol in blood;
  • facilitates manifestations of toxicosis and helps to struggle with heartburn;
  • has easy laxative effect at locks;
  • helps to struggle with diseases of thyroid and pancreatic glands;
  • looks after skin and hair, teeth and the pregnant woman's nails;
  • helps to improve memory.

Important! Dried apricots very much of a kaloriyn can also promote a set of extra kilos. Daily consumption should not exceed 100 g.

Though dried apricots are very useful, they have also contraindications. Before their use the pregnant women should learn from the doctors whether it is possible for them regularly or from time to time to eat these dried fruits. Dried apricots can do much harm at:

  • the lowered arterial blood pressure as the state can be aggravated;
  • to bronchial asthma (the attack can amplify);
  • to diarrhea as the dried apricot has laxative effect too;
  • diabetes, because of a large number of sugar in structure;
  • allergies;
  • excess weight, because of the high caloric content of a product;
  • personal intolerance.

To pregnant women at whom one of the listed states is observed apricot sukhofrukt it is contraindicated.

Whether you know? On the content of iron of 100 g of dried apricots can replace 300 g of beef liver.

Practically all pregnant women face a lock problem as it is difficult for intestines to work in the normal mode. Dried apricots can help with such situation, it has laxative effect. And cellulose in its structure adjusts normal work of intestines. One more difficulty of women waiting for the kid are hypostases. Kidneys of the person are constantly occupied with processing of liquid which collects in an organism, and during pregnancy they face double loading and often do not cope with it. Liquid does not manage to come out an organism because of what legs swell. This problem is especially relevant for the third trimester. Rendering diuretic effect, dried apricots helps kidneys to work in the emergency mode and to remove all collected liquid. In these cases drinks from apricot dried fruits have the most medical effect: compotes and broths.

Good means at locks is dried apricots and prunes compote. Drink has easy laxative effect, without causing discomfort in the pregnant woman. To cook compote, it is necessary to take:

  • 150 g of dried apricots;
  • 100 g of prunes;
  • 2 l of water;
  • sugar to taste.

Learn whether it is useful at pregnancy raisin, walnuts, cashew, almonds, pine nuts and sesame.

  1. Dried fruit to trouble in hot water for 15 minutes.
  2. To pour out water, and it is good to wash out fruit.
  3. In a pan with fruits to pour cold water and on strong fire to boil.
  4. After that to cook on small fire about 7 minutes.
  5. To pour sugar, to switch off fire and 1 hour to insist.

For improvement of taste of drink some train him with addition of lemon juice, cinnamon or vanillin.

Dried apricots decoction removes puffiness as it has diuretic property.

  1. Properly to wash out dried apricots (10 pieces).
  2. To fill in dried fruits with hot water and to insist 12 hours under the closed cover (better to leave for the night).
  3. To filter broth.
  1. Dried apricots (0.5 kg) to fill in 2 l of hot water.
  2. On small fire to cook about 20 minutes.
  3. When cools down, it is possible to drink.

The greatest benefit will be brought by dried apricots if to use it fresh. It is possible just to eat the raw dried apricots instead of candies. And if to add it to some dishes, then will be not only it is useful, but also it is tasty. From dried apricots and with its addition it is possible to prepare:

  • drinks: compotes, kissels, cocktails, broths, drinking yogurts;
  • fruit and vegetable salads;
  • pastries and cottage cheese desserts;
  • muesli and krupyany porridges;
  • meat chicken and beef dishes;
  • candies from mix of different dried fruits, nuts and honey.

Important! The longer sukhofrukt undergoes thermal treatment, the less useful it becomes. That is why it is better to add it at the end of preparation of a dish.

Dried apricots — very tasty and useful sukhofrukt. Pregnant women who have no problems with health can eat it, but in limited quantity. It is so possible to satisfy the need for sweets and to fill up an organism with necessary vitamins.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
