Magnesium in food and its role in a human body"

Magnesium in food and its role in a human body"

Very many people attribute the irritability, insomnia, absent-mindedness and constant feeling of alarm to a stress which as they think, appears at them from behind routine gray everyday life. And spasms in legs in the middle of night, both headaches, and chronic fatigue — it too all the stress is guilty.



– one of minerals in a human body which takes great interest in synthesis of B12 vitamin and stimulation of process of blood formation. Daily requirement – 50-100 mkg.



– one of important minerals which participates in various enzymatic reactions and also in metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. A daily dose – 0.2-0.5 mg.

Fluorine as microcell"

Fluorine as microcell"

– the microcell, necessary for an organism, playing a large role in support of normal growth and development of a bone tissue and also teeth. Daily requirement – 1 mg/litre a day.

How to protect joints and ligaments by means of collagen"

How to protect joints and ligaments by means of collagen"

Collagen — the protein playing an important role in our organism. Thanks to it our joints, muscular sheaves, bones and skin are elastic and elastic, strong and capable to maintain big loadings. Let's study this major component for our fabrics today and we learn how to resupply the necessary protein.