Vitamins, minerals, potency and male body

Vitamins, minerals, potency and male body

products in shop, people note their price, appearance, are guided by flavoring preferences, an expiration date. Especially advanced buyers are interested whether they is not present as a part of preservatives, dyes and other chemistry. At the same time the majority do not pay attention to contents in products of vitamins and mineral substances, and people which make the menu proceeding from the need of an organism for useful substances, to find very difficult. Meanwhile it is difficult to overestimate their role for ensuring activity.

Potassium (K) - a macrocell

Potassium (K) - a macrocell

beginning to speak about potassium, let's understand at first what is minerals. So, minerals are chemical elements which contain in our organism in a small amount, but, nevertheless, they are necessary for us for normal activity. Elements come to our organism with food, air, water.

Advantage and harm of citric acid for a human body

Advantage and harm of citric acid for a human body

Citric acid, perhaps, is the most popular nutritional supplement which will always be practically in each house. Many hostesses know various methods of application of this substance in various other household purposes (besides cookery). However its properties are so diverse and surprising that It is necessary to tell about it in more detail.

Bay leaf: than it is useful and from what helps how to use in the medical purposes

Bay leaf: than it is useful and from what helps how to use in the medical purposes

All know bay leaf as spice which is used for giving to dishes of saturated taste and aroma. In the Middle Ages this plant represented good. And in Ancient Greece the wreaths from its leaves were put on a neck to winners of the Olympic Games. Now the lavrushka is used not only in cookery, but also for treatment of diseases. The useful substances which are contained in it help to struggle with various illnesses.