For what polyvitaminic complexes, and features of their application are necessary

For what polyvitaminic complexes, and features of their application are necessary

In the conditions of a modern rhythm of life it is difficult to overestimate usefulness of polyvitamins. Constant haste, poor nutrition, a sleep debt, a disease, bad ecology — all this has negative effect on our organism so it demands additional support. Vitamins are appointed to the children and adults pregnant and feeding, to the athletes and people who underwent operations. Polyvitaminic complexes there is a big set for today and to understand as far as it is necessary personally for you and what medicine it is better to choose, it is necessary to understand everything in more detail.

We strengthen nervous system vitamins

We strengthen nervous system vitamins

What there were reasons for emergence of a stressful state, the result will be one — violations in work of nervous system begin, the immunity glitches, the person becomes apathetic, sluggish, heart failure develops. At the heart of all diseases connected with nervous system the fact that the organism in a condition of a stress extremely quickly absorbs vitamins of group B lies and further tests in them the strongest shortcoming. To restore health, the person needs to use vitamins for recovery of nervous system.

"Vitamins which are necessary for memory improvement

"Vitamins which are necessary for memory improvement

Many people complain of problems with memory. The shortage of vitamins and minerals can become the reason of it. To receive their necessary volume with food very difficult even if the diet will be ideally balanced. Therefore for improvement of memory and stimulation of work of a brain it is recommended to accept vitamin complexes.

Vitamins for improvement of sight. List of popular complexes

Vitamins for improvement of sight. List of popular complexes

Full-fledged sight — a gift which needs to be protected. Though often happens so: what we have — we do not store, having lost — we cry. And stylish glasses, though are a beautiful accessory, however will not replace good sight. An effective way of maintaining sight are vitamins. Today we will also talk about them.

As hypovitaminosis is shown and what to do at a lack of vitamins"

As hypovitaminosis is shown and what to do at a lack of vitamins"

there are in full swing a fall, not far off winter therefore came it is time to talk about "winter" problems of health. Some people become nervous, scattered, forgetful, sleepy, weak and painful in the winter. Their morbidity just is evident: skin gets an earthy shade, becomes dry and angry, hair and nails tarnish and become fragile. They are symptoms of hypovitaminosis. What is it, read in our article.