Whether your organism has enough copper: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Whether your organism has enough copper: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Copper participates in the majority of the most important processes of an organism, including, in the course of blood formation, growth and development of cages and fabrics, creation of proteins. Without it not only normal functioning of the person, but also his healthy appearance is impossible. Let's learn more about this element: what its daily the needs and norm for an organism what products contain it, and what consequences of its deficiency or a surplus.

The table for those who want to be healthy and beautiful (vitamins)

The table for those who want to be healthy and beautiful (vitamins)

childhood we know that vitamins are useful to health. In transfer of Vit means life, that is vitamins are what is necessary for life.

Consumption rates of vitamins"

Consumption rates of vitamins"

rates of vitamins for the person depend on many factors and are established by special medicobiological researches. Thus the age group of the population, a working condition, the nature of work and ambient temperature is considered.

"What will be if to eat a lot of ascorbic acid?

"What will be if to eat a lot of ascorbic acid?

Very often the people who are not recognizing drug treatment oppose use of synthetic vitamins. They consider that the best and only a reliable source of useful substances are products of animal or plant origin which the organism digests and synthesizes from them everything that it is necessary for it. Actually, at present ecology and quality of initial products few what dish healthy or not, will bring enough benefit and will fill the need for all substances necessary for an organism. So, we want that or not, it is just necessary to apply pharmaceutical vitamins B our time.

Compatibility of vitamins among themselves

Compatibility of vitamins among themselves

During the winter period many remember advantage of vitamin complexes and begin their intensive reception. But such use has nuances. Perhaps, most important of them is an ability to correctly combine valuable elements. And this question deserves separate consideration.