How to make poinsettia of foamiran

How to make poinsettia of foamiran

All know this plant with bright large lobes. From it it is possible to create fine jewelry and decor for the house. It is simple to make foamiran flower for New Year's holidays. You will see at once that in the house there will be more paints.

It is required to you

  • - foamiran red – 3 leaves on 1 product;
  • - foamiran green – for leaves and basis of flower;
  • - green and red threads;
  • - stamens for flowers (preparation) – 15 pieces on 1 product;
  • - glue;
  • - gold tape – 1 m;
  • - branches fir-tree – 3 pieces;
  • - blue glitter;
  • - varnish in barrel;
  • - silvery and golden gouache.


1. At the first stage it is necessary to cut preparations. We do lobes. They have to be sharpened, extended. On the lower row 8 lobes, average – 6, small – 3 will be required. Preparations are cut out on template. Also leaves are cut out. Each flower has to have 6 green leaves, in form and by the sizes they have to be as big red leaves. Do not forget that the poinsettia is called "Christmas star", and she, anyway, has to remind that in form. The size of one flower has to have diameter 10 cm. That is, the biggest lobe in the amount of can be 5 cm. We do not forget that from stretching the amount of preparations will a little increase.

2. Now we prepare leaves and lobes. Foamiran – the last word in fashion of the last years which is appreciated elasticity. It is necessary to drag out a little each preparation that leaves and lobes began to look more naturally. It is not necessary to be zealous excessively, otherwise the flower will get withering if not torn look. Also it is necessary to trace veins. For this purpose the normal toothpick will approach. It is necessary to press evenly not to scratch material. Lobes gather, around stamens, on accruing. Around fix green leaves so that them it was visible between big red lobes. The design is fastened with threads and glue.

3. We collect fir-tree branches. At first they should be decorated gouache. Our purpose is to make so that it covered needles, reminding snow. It is better to select natural colors – blue, blue white. The normal soft brush is used. Gouache quickly enough dries that favourably distinguishes it from oil or pastel. They should be fastened together – for this purpose we use golden tape. If you are going to suspend design – it is necessary to make suitable loop. The remains of tape are placed on branches instead of ornament. As option, it is possible to use rain, but then branches should be fastened with wire, and it should be disguised the same rain.

4. Final step – glitter. It is sprayed on branches, and from above splash varnish. Respectively, it has to be transparent.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
