Fear of touches

Fear of touches

Gaptofobiya, or fear of touches is not manifestation of modesty or shyness of character, it is one of numerous types of mental disorders which it is necessary to treat. This fear in most cases prevents the person to lead full-fledged life: causes negative emotions at embraces or handshake, does not allow to experience all joy of communication. Of course, someone does not see in it deviations and does not ask for the help. But if the individual realizes all criticality of a situation, then it will be difficult to cope with it alone.

Fear of Friday 13

Fear of Friday 13

Triskaydekafobiya name painful fear of number 13 and if this fear is combined with fear of Friday, then it is accepted to speak already about a paraskevedekatriafobiya. Today in the world becomes more and more people who are not waiting for anything good of Friday the 13th and it leaves the mark on many aspects of human life.

Fear of snow

Fear of snow

Phobias are XXI century diseases. They pursue the person, of course, there are also "harmless" forms of this illness. However this disease completely is frequent destroys human life because he cannot fully work and communicate with other people. Fear of snow – too a phobia which demands treatment. Especially, if the person lives in the region where the winter dominates more than 3-4 months in a year.

Fear of death

Fear of death

Natural fear of death is inherent in each person and an animal, this manifestation of a congenital instinct of survival. And here fear of death as the fobiyafobiya is an irrational fear which pursues some people constantly which does not allow to live, work, have a rest quietly. When this state reaches the extreme point, it is about a mental disorder.

Fear of dogs

Fear of dogs

Fear of dogs – the phenomenon at all frequent, especially now when in the cities continually it is possible to see the stray dogs who got off in packs. However logical fear and a film phobia – different things. The term is meant as irrational fear of dogs – even the most harmless representatives and even on pictures.