Harm and advantage of computer games

Harm and advantage of computer games

With emergence in our life of computers and the Internet, also various games, logical, strategy, so-called shooter games and many others began to develop. Some guys spend time with pleasure, becoming participants of computer games about which harm and advantage we also will talk today.

Harm of the Internet

Harm of the Internet

Today the Internet became an integral part of life practically of each person, in worldwide network the access is almost from everywhere, from the computer, phone, any other gadget without which people do not do. However, before "going" to the virtual world, it is worth knowing that the Internet can do very essential harm.

Harm of tobacco smoking

Harm of tobacco smoking

All harmfully know about what to smoke, and here that does harm to health, know not many.

Harm of passive smoking

Harm of passive smoking

Addictions – a personal record of each person. On the one hand it is difficult to argue with it. But on the other side of the smoking people it is quite possible to put on one level with other sources of environmental pollution today. Scientists proved that harm of passive smoking is huge and can lead to a set of diseases. As the smoker influences those who are near him and how to avoid developing of diseases we and we will discuss in more detail.

Whether marijuana is harmful?

Whether marijuana is harmful?

Drugs – the evil! Addictions are called not for nothing harmful. Just they kill not at once, but conduct life by the logical end. In society attitude towards smoking of a grass – extremely negative. Though it will absolutely not be possible to eradicate this problem, there will always be some person who solved "simply to try".