Long hair – it is always fashionable and beautiful. What was only thought up by obsequious designers to help women to catch in a minute beautiful curls! Laid on locks, chignons, artificial building in beauty shops are used. But it costs much. And if there is a wish that hair looked as much as possible naturally, to save it will not turn out. However, it is not necessary to despair. Quickly it is possible to grow hair and independently, it is just necessary to look after, indulge behind them nutritious masks and vtiraniye.
It is required to you
- Onions, salt, honey, vodka or cognac, acid milk. Herbs: nettle, coltsfoot, burdock, thyme, willow bark.
- The weakened hair grow very slowly therefore first of all they need to be strengthened. And here we will simply not replace onions. structurebulbsThe same components what to contain in microelements of hair, namely – sulfur and phosphorus enter . And thanks to it, onions juice helps to restore structure of hair, interferes with their loss and appearance of dandruff.
- To prepare the mask stimulating growth of hair it is necessary to mix one tablespoon of onions juice with two tablespoons of vodka and to add three tablespoons of burdock oil. It is necessary to apply this mix on roots of hair for forty minutes. For strengthening of effect, it is possible to wrap up the head with scarf. It is necessary to feed hair with this structure two times a week. After two procedures positive changes are noticeable – hairs become shiny and elastic, stop dropping out.
- One more effective recipe – to mix onions juice with acid milk in any proportions and to rub this mix for half an hour before washing of the head. It not only will strengthen growth of hair, but also will help to get rid of dandruff.
- To wrap the bulb crushed in gruel in the gauze put several times and to rub juice in head skin. It is idle time, but very good way, to accelerate growth of hair.
- Strangely enough, but usual table salt is very effective in fight for long hair too. If to rub it in roots of hair for the night, then after a while hair will gain beautiful gloss, will recover and will begin to grow.
- The mask from onions, salt and honey very well strengthens hair. That to prepare it, it is necessary to take hundred grams of the crushed onions, and on one tablespoons of honey and salt. To pound all this to homogeneous mass and to allow to stand 2-3 hours then to rub in head skin.
- Herbs can give to hair additional feed. If to wash the head with grass broths, the condition of hair noticeable to improve. Leaves of nettle and coltsfoot, camomile and root of burdock, thyme and bark of willow – remarkably are suitable for this purpose.
- Only regular hair care will help to grow quickly them, and also to keep their strong and beautiful.