How to bring up the child kind

How to bring up the child kind

The kind and careful child is a pride of parents. It is quite possible to bring up the kid kind and attentive in relation to other people, but it is necessary to do it since the earliest childhood.


1. Explain to the kid why some acts good, and other bad. Lead a discussion on kindness, friendship and compassion. Tell it that there are kind and angry people and that kind to be much more pleasant. But you remember that all conversations will be useless without personal example of parents. The kid has to see that you care about each other, sincerely sympathize with victims and according to the lights try to help them.

2. Read to the child instructive stories, verses and fairy tales where the main character makes good acts and protects weak, the good always wins, and villains are punished. You watch old Soviet animated films which visually open subjects of friendship and kindness with the kid.

3. Communication with pets very well influences education and development in children of merits of character. When the kid grows up, entrust him care for the favourite. Except kindness and friendship, care of a pet will help to create sense of responsibility and compassions at the child. If living conditions do not allow you to contain houses of animals, descend with the child in a shelter where there live stray dogs and cats and look after one of pets.

4. Surely praise the kid for a good act or the rendered help to other people. Too do not lose sight of ill effects, surely tell the child that you are upset with his such behavior and explain why so it is impossible to do.

5. Embrace more often and kiss the children, they need to feel caress, love and care of the parents. The child has to be sure that mom and dad in case of need will always come to the rescue of them. In families where the kind relation to each other is appreciated, children grow up angry and aggressive less often. Therefore if you want to bring up the good and kind child, do not stint positive acts and emotions!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
