As it is correct to drink a protein: councils for beginners"

As it is correct to drink a protein: councils for beginners"

The balanced food is that basis of bases which allows an organism to function correctly that gives the chance to live fully and long without diseases. In professional sport the healthy nutrition helps to achieve necessary results in the shortest time possible. When usual foodstuff does not cope with the task, the athlete is in great need in additional nutritional supplements without which in the modern world to regain a desirable form becomes almost unreal.

Sports food among which the greatest popularity was gained by a protein is engaged in a solution of the problem of a lack of feedstuffs. Protein mixes give the chance to create strong and volume muscles, observing the correct balance of an organism between lipids, proteins and other components. It gives the chance to refuse harmful fats, using only useful components.

However even today many athletes feel a lack of sports information on the correct use of proteins, and a question how to drink a protein, becomes more sharply every year. In this article we will try to destroy all myths and to provide only the correct way to achievement of healthy sportswear.

Main types of a protein

The protein, or protein, is a basis of muscle bulk therefore whatever was wearisome and correct the training, without necessary amount of the acquired protein growth of muscles will be slowed down and almost impossible.

The human body is not able to use that necessary norm which is described by sports nutritionists with usual food. In this case athletes and bodybuilders use squirrels in the concentrated form among whom they special popularity took all several forms.

Fast proteins (serumal)

The serumal protein belongs to group of quickly acquired proteins. On structure it is mix of the proteins of globular origin received from whey.

It will be interesting to you to learn more about the correct intake of creatine of monohydrate.

Serum, as a rule, is a liquid by-product at production of cheese from milk. For receiving a concentrate of protein serum is evaporated then at the exit fine-grained powder of yellowish color turns out.

Whether you know? The serumal sports protein in the market appeared not so long ago. Thanks to the Next Protein company at the beginning of the 90th the product for the first time left light as a high-quality protein of ion-exchange serumal protein.

There is a serumal protein in three main forms:

  1. Concentrated — as a part of powder is available small impurity of fats and other feedstuffs. Such proteins are practically not exposed to cleaning of impurity.
  2. Isolated — especially pure protein which concentration is in limits of 90% of solid lump. These proteins are exposed to careful cleaning of zhiroobrazny connections.
  3. Hydrolyzates are easily acquired proteins with characteristic bitterish smack differing in high degree of purity. The main feature of such form is their almost 100% safety. In certain cases even allergic persons can use them.

Slow proteins (casein)

Casein protein — complex protein which belongs to group of slowly acquired and is result of a fermental stvorazhivaniye of dairy raw materials.

After casein gets into a stomach of the person, it forms gel connection which throughout long time is split in an organism. Thanks to it it is possible to supply gradually and long an organism with necessary nutritious elements. The main feature of this protein is that it is irreplaceable for those athletes who have an allergy to other types of milk protein.

Sports food is one of the major factors in the structure of a body and it can bring to your organism both advantage, and harm.

Casein is less preferable as an element of sports food, especially to a set of muscle bulk. However many researches speak about indispensability of caseins at observance of the program of complex weight loss without loss of volumes of muscles.

Complex proteins

Complex proteins are nothing but mixes from various proteins different in the properties, origin and a way of receiving. In the majority they represent a complex from casein, serumal, egg and soy proteins. Only such mixes in full can provide the number of useful connections, necessary for the athlete, especially for the beginner in sport. Also they will be useful to each athlete regardless of a goal and results expected from a training. And for this purpose there are several reasons at once:

  1. Complex proteins maintain necessary concentration of amino acids in blood within 6–8 hours.
  2. Use of such proteins before and after a training causes the maximum metabolic response from an organism that is important for growth of muscle bulk.
  3. Only in complex mixes it is possible to enhance effect of one type of a component on an organism due to presence of another.

How to drink a serumal protein

As proteins do not treat medicinal means, their application is not regulated by special norms or medical recommendations. Such substances belong to the section of nutritional supplements which are absolutely harmless to an organism. It is possible to drink proteins incalculable number of times for all day. However there are some features of application most of which strict respect promotes growth of sports results as only truthful knowledge of how it is necessary to drink correctly protein cocktail for a set of muscle bulk and weight loss, will help to achieve an ideal relief.

Standard daily rate

Standard daily rate of the use per se of proteinaceous connections does not exist, proteins are necessary for an organism in large quantities for creation of a sound body. But the maximum quantity of pure protein for reception should not exceed 30 g, everything that more, the organism will not accept, and superfluous will for nothing be removed with excess waste products.

It will be useful for you to learn about rules of the consumption of protein bars.

This quantity of proteins is in 1 measured spoon for sports food. When there is no such spoon near at hand, it is possible to use a usual small spoon — in this case them exactly 3 is required. Absolutely quietly it is possible to use such powders from 3 to 5 times a day.

Optimum time

The nobility when it is necessary to drink protein, not less important, than the nobility as it is necessary to drink correctly a protein to lose weight and regain a form. Today there is a set of schemes and secrets of optimum periods of time for the use of this sports food. Let's try to reduce everything to several recommendations:

  1. After the athlete wakes up, his day has to begin with intake of quickly acquired protein. Matins a portion will help to cheer up, restore reserves of amino acids and to block cortisol hormone synthesis. It gives the chance to be adjusted for the forthcoming day and to protect muscles from pernicious influence of a hormonal system.
  2. It is important to drink a protein before sports. It will help to hold more effectively a training as the high amount of free amino acids in an organism allows to train longer and more intensively.
  3. Sports protein is irreplaceable also after sports loading. Cocktail will allow an organism to be restored after stresses and to build volume muscles.


Even the child will be able to make proteinaceous cocktail, it is process is very ordinary and does not demand special abilities. How to prepare sports protein it is correct:

  1. Measure a measured spoon necessary amount of powder in a shaker or the blender.
  2. Fill in in capacity any liquid of 250–350 ml. As a rule, use milk, yogurt or kefir, but you can make any choice proceeding from own taste.
  3. Mix the blender or a shaker components before formation of homogeneous mass.
  4. For enrichment of cocktail with taste it is possible to add fresh berries or fruit.

Important! Never mix cocktail a spoon — you will not achieve ideal consistence. It will result in a large number of lumps owing to what liquid and dry powder will be perceived by an organism separately that lowers effect of intake of protein cocktail.

Casein use

Casein in the majority concerns to proteins of auxiliary character. As showed researches, it generally plays a role of exclusively additional tool of nutrients in the fast growth of muscle bulk. The most important role of casein for athletes of all levels is that it is shown for application in intervals between trainings as helps an organism to cope with processes of a denaturation of proteins in an organism that positively influences development of muscles in general.

We advise to examine the best exercises for a triceps and a biceps and also to learn as it is correct to squat with a bar.


Depending on the application purpose, the dosage of dry casein for an organism can differ. The disposable dose of application makes from 20 to 45 g. When the athlete is faced by the purpose to gain muscle bulk, the norm of intake of this protein is 30–45 gr.

If the purpose is loss of excess weight — the disposable dose of a casein protein is reduced to 20–30 g. It will help to lower feeling of hunger and to start weight loss processes.

Important! At the use of casein for weight loss it is important to remember that this quite high-calorie substance. Its nutritional value is 360 kcal / 100 of solid.

When to drink?

At weight loss this protein is accepted by from 2 to 4 times a day since morning, in breaks between meals and for the night. At a set of muscle bulk it is recommended to accept casein of 1 times a day and it is exclusive for the night that helps to reduce processes of a denaturation of proteinaceous connections in an organism during sleep. It is the only recommendation about the correct use of this protein for increase in muscles as to drink a casein protein only for a set of muscle bulk — useless occupation. Exclusively quickly acquired proteins are necessary for growth of muscles.

How to part?

Protein-rich casein cocktail is cooked according to the same procedure, as serumal. How it is necessary to part a protein with water, juice or milk, it was written above therefore we will not stop in details on it. Let's remind that all components are located in a special shaker or ware for the blender and carefully mix up to homogeneous mass. To take ready cocktail advise at once and no more than in several hours after preparation.

Complex proteins

Multicomponent or complex proteins are accepted as the main nutrient or in case of feed of an organism during the period between trainings. Except complex influence, this type of sports food offers convenience in application as it is possible to use such protein for weight loss also effectively, as well as for a set of muscle bulk. At the same time it is necessary not to forget about fast proteins in spite of the fact that upon purchase of a complex protein you receive the richest substance.

How many to accept?

The norm of reception of multicomponent proteins is 30–60 g at one time. This range is connected with the fact that various proteins in mix are acquired for 1–6 hours. It is possible to apply such sports food no more than 3 times a day in usual day, and in training days the dose is increased.

Reception time

Ideal time for application of a protein — for half an hour to a dream. This procedure will allow to be restored to an organism during sleep and to eliminate negative impact of a hormonal system on muscle bulk. It is also useful to drink protein cocktail of multicomponent structure in 2 hours prior to a training. It will help to stock up to an organism with additional amino acids. It is useful to accept a complex protein between meals, it perfectly satisfies hunger and supplies an organism with all necessary useful substances.

Whether you know? Only 30 g of a complex protein by amount of nutrients can replace full meal. Many athletes at fight against excess weight use this property.

Ways of preparation

The way of preparation of a complex protein does not differ from described above for serumal and casein.

But the main recommendation is that the necessary dose of powder needs to be mixed with low-fat liquids is the main secret of use of sports food for weight loss. Because complex proteins in structure have many lipids, excessive fats in cocktail can slow down weight reduction processes.

Where the protein contains: list of products

Food are considered as a traditional source of protein. Despite quantity and quality of the used sports food, without the correct diet the results of the athlete will be small.

The richest sources of natural protein are:

  • the Greek yogurt — 10 g / 100 of a product;
  • cottage cheese — 20 g / 100 of a product;
  • Swiss cheese — 30 g / 100 of a product;
  • beef stake — 40 g / 100 of a product;
  • mincemeat — 20 g / 100 of a product;
  • pork — 30 g / 100 of a product;
  • chicken breast — 30 g / 100 of a product;
  • breast of a turkey — 30 g / 100 of a product;
  • yellowfin tuna — 30 g / 100 of a product;
  • halibut — 28 g / 100 of a product;
  • octopus — 31 g / 100 of a product;
  • sardines — 25 g / 100 of a product.

Also It should be noted that with proteins beans, eggs, all types of milk, wheat sprouts, green peas, peanut butter, pastrami, roast beef are rich.

What protein is better?

Today over another it is not necessary to speak about exclusive importance of one type of protein. Depending on properties, the athlete can independently define requirements of any given type of sports food.

Serumal protein is an irreplaceable substance before a training. With its help it is possible to receive necessary amount of the necessary protein instantly. Therefore it should be drunk every day to and before a training and also after a dream. Without casein it will be heavy to achieve an ideal form. Only by means of this protein it will be possible to reduce hunger and to save muscles from pernicious processes of catabolism.

Multicomponent proteinaceous mixes are simply irreplaceable for the beginning athletes whom the purpose to be prepared for further wearisome loadings faces. Only this type of sports food will help the beginner to understand need of any given nutritious components for creation of an ideal body and also will help to understand for what and when it is necessary to drink a protein — to or after the training.

Whether all can use a product?

There is an opinion that all proteins are to a degree harmful to an organism. Also there is a set of articles in network about harm of sports food on a liver and kidneys. There are even such absurd opinions that sports food causes dependence. But actually proteins are safe for an organism. Such proteinaceous connections can be drunk at any age both for sports effect, and for enrichment of a diet.

The protein which is contained in sports food has natural origin, having undergone a set of processes of cleaning, the protein becomes the purest nutrient. In essence this derivative that, we use every day. However it is worth not to forgetting about identity of each organism. Very seldom, but nevertheless there are cases of intolerance of proteins. Clinical manifestations consist in allergic reactions and diarrhea therefore at any frustration of an organism after application of sports food it is necessary to see a doctor.

In this article we considered that such proteinaceous sports food and as it is correct to use it for a set of muscle bulk. Whatever you you chose a type of sports protein, the main thing is to remember: everything has to be moderately, and, except fashionable and expensive medicines for sport, it is necessary not to forget also about a rich diet and also about the most important — the correct training process.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
