

is the white crystal powder representing 2-aminoetansulfonovy acid (C2H7NO3S). It was allocated from bull bile in 1827. Daily requirement – 400 mg. Sources for formation of taurine in an organism are sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine and methionine).

Pepper tincture"

Pepper tincture"

often notice that over time, even at young age because of a variety of reasons hair begin to drop out. Usually it is noticeable when combing, a head pochesyvaniye, detection of the dropped-out hair on a pillow at morning awakening or when washing the head. But the most unpleasant sign is when people around the first begin to note reduction of hair on your head. At once it is possible to note that the genetic predisposition has very great influence, that is your grandfather, the father or the uncle had symptoms of baldness. However, a number of researches showed that even it can be corrected by absolutely various national methods.

What is and as Ayurvedic massage becomes

What is and as Ayurvedic massage becomes

Ayurveda — ancient medical science which origin is lost in the depth of centuries. Presumably, there was it near Tibet 5 thousand years ago. This ancient system had a huge impact on modern medicine, first of all thanks to Avicenna. In the XX century the Ayurveda became popular in the West, to the end of the century gained recognition and in Eastern Europe. Very few people know plainly, what is it Ayurvedic massage. But procedures habitual nowadays are douches, enemas, diagnostics on pulse, medical diets — familiar to anything, came from Ayurveda.

Water use

Water use

first glass of water has to meet morning together with you. After awakening, toothbrushing and rinsings of a throat it is necessary to use slowly a glass of water, and 15 minutes later to start a morning meal.

Salt caves, or advantage and harm of halotherapy

Salt caves, or advantage and harm of halotherapy

Along with medicamentous ways of treatment there are also other, natural techniques today. Salt caves as a method of treatment of diseases of airways were used during the antique period in Italy and Greece. More this technique became widespread in the 19th century, and then, after World War II.