Structure and features of use of amarantovy oil"

Structure and features of use of amarantovy oil"

In pre-Columbian America the amaranth was a popular crop of ancient Indian tribes. Leaves and seeds of a plant were used in food along with a maize and beans, fed with stalks ruminants, used foliage and oil of seeds for preparation of medical structures. We will talk about oil of an amaranth in this article.

Euphoria with endorphin, or Medicine for everything

Euphoria with endorphin, or Medicine for everything

Happiness, joy, pleasure... Words and feelings familiar to us from the first moments of life and bringing huge sense in this life.

Causes of osteochondrosis

Causes of osteochondrosis

osteochondrosis – a disease of the modern world which affects a basis of our musculoskeletal device and causes a heap of the inconveniences influencing our vital rhythm. Pain and discomfort in various departments of a backbone, the remote bodies, numbness of extremities is the minimum that can cause this disease.

The most useful shortcomings of appearance

The most useful shortcomings of appearance

has any shortcomings of appearance which want to be corrected by own forces or by means of the plastic and esthetic surgeon all the time. However it turned out that some of them not only are useful, but also keep to you a healthy lifestyle enough. Remember, the main thing – health, but not how you look. By itself that the last point is very important, and it is possible to keep ideal balance, but be accurate with experiments over the appearance.

About medicinal properties of elder and a sea-buckthorn

About medicinal properties of elder and a sea-buckthorn

is known that in winter time the organism feels the shortage of vitamins. It leads to weakening of the immune system and diseases. To fill up a reserve of vitamins and not to allow a disease daily consumption of vegetables and fruit will help. For example, cabbage, potatoes and turnip are useful at gastritis, ulcer of stomach and a 12-perstny gut, the cornel, turnip and beet, and composition of blood have diuretic and bile-expelling effect elder and a sea-buckthorn will improve. I also want to share recipes with use of black elder and a sea-buckthorn.