Computer games replace to your husband real communication? A practical advice how to return the man to family.
1. The best way to adjust communication with the person, to take a keen interest in object of his hobby. Even in case it does not interest you and sometimes irritates. The spouse on real-life communication is only certain way to cause. Take an interest in what an essence of a game what progress he achieved, in comparison with other players, be glad together with him.
2. It is necessary to become friends with the spouse and to show interest and I will support, concerning other spheres of his life. Ask how are you at work, you praise and rejoice together with it for its progress, empathize its failures. Keep up the conversation interesting to your spouse. Distract it for the pleasant moments, memories of happy experiences, amusing situations in your life.
3. Buy board games. A good occasion to arrange a sit-round gathering with friends. It will attract fresh interest of the spouse in communication with living people, and put the winner, for certain he will want to repeat this experiment, instead of immersion an online game.
4. Organize real competitions of the house. Again it is possible to connect friends of relatives of children. To get out for this purpose to the nature. Organize sports meets, or at least a house competition on the best salad. Include games in the real life.
5. The man has to feel the indispensability that you as the fragile defenseless woman need him. Do not charge with all household chores yourself, you ask about the help more often, you say that without his male power would never cope. Let the man feel as your hero defender.
6. Address the husband for council more often, you ask for help in the solution of those, or other questions, be interested in his opinion. The man has to be a man, the last word always behind it. Concerning your family, let solves the most important questions itself, give it this privilege and in every possible way promote.
7. Do not make scandals and quarrels concerning his hobby. It can only anger the man and cause the return reaction. Still will begin to run from the house and to hide from reproaches of the wife in Internet clubs and game halls.
8. Have patience. Try to fill up free time of the husband another matters, it is desirable pleasant. Do not wait for the invitation to walk or at cinema, be an initiator. The man has to feel taste of real life which cannot be compared to virtual imagination.