How to make pies from an unfermented dough

How to make pies from an unfermented dough

Prepare an unfermented dough very easily and quickly. It is often used for creation of pies with potato, egg or cabbage. Such dough as a rule becomes on the basis of kefir or sour cream. And pies from it turn out gentle, soft and very tasty.

How to make the well-known Drowned man dough

How to make the well-known Drowned man dough

Dough with the terrible name "Drowned man" has old and very interesting story. It is more likely even not the recipe, but technology of preparation. It is known that dough for rise is made either in heat, or on cold. In those days, when people had no fridges yet, it was logical to ship a lump of the mixed test in cold water. After a while dough was saturated with carbon dioxide and emerged on a surface – it was a signal that dough "approached". Thus dough was "heated", and then waited when it emerges – from here and the name. Drowned man yeast dough – universal: it perfectly "approaches", it suits for baking of pies and pies, cheesecakes, belyashes, pizza, etc., both fried in a frying pan, and baked in an oven, with any stuffings.

Pies with a potato and mushroom stuffing

Pies with a potato and mushroom stuffing

Make pies with a potato and mushroom stuffing not so difficult, both the experienced culinary specialist, and a beginner will be able to make it. Expensive products won't be necessary for you for preparation of this dish, but at the same time it will turn out incredibly tasty and appetizing.

Fast recipe: pies with a stuffing on potato broth

Fast recipe: pies with a stuffing on potato broth

Under the charter of the Lent Monday through Friday - food of plant origin without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, wine and vegetable oil are resolved. The pies with a fast stuffing made on potato broth is a dish of fast pastries, for those who observe a post.

How to make potato pies

How to make potato pies

It isn't known why, but potato pies turn out most tasty if to cook them from yeast dough and to fry in a frying pan. If you can't or you don't want to eat fried, then this dish it is possible to bake in an oven, but then they will be on taste others. Potatoes stuffing will turn out gentle, tasty and fragrant. Such food is remarkably combined with rassolniks, soups, etc.