"Whether your organism has enough arsenic: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

"Whether your organism has enough arsenic: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Arsenic belongs to semi-metals and has not only chemical and medical, but also historical value — with its help in the last centuries poisoned objectionable people. However this element has for the person and medicinal properties. What is arsenic — medicine or a poison? We will consider the answer to this question in this article.

"Whether your organism has enough nickel: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

"Whether your organism has enough nickel: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

is the important nutritious element necessary for normal activity of the person. Let's consider what role it plays in our life in what products contains and what the shortcoming and a surplus of this substance can turn back for health.

Whether your organism has enough cadmium: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Whether your organism has enough cadmium: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Compounds of cadmium, and especially its oxides, are toxic substances. The element has property to collect in an organism, gradually poisoning him. Treats immunotoxic elements.

Whether your organism has enough fluorine: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

Whether your organism has enough fluorine: in what advantage of a microcell how to reveal shortage or a surplus

often the reason of our feeling sick, fatigue, appearance of various diseases or just discomfortable feelings is the lack or a surplus of any given substance of an organism. However often we do not suspect about it as very small amount of people is inclined to controlling the food and, especially, to observe the correct balance of useful substances which are received from food by our organism.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

physiological value of vitamin A is very high. It is a part of visual purple and provides normally sight. Takes part in exchange of proteins and also in synthesis of substances, important for an organism, – hormones; plays an important role in digestion of feedstuffs and promotes growth and formation of a young organism (for this reason it is called growth vitamin); takes part in development of immunity and maintains the normal physiological state of a protective (epithelial) cover of a body and mucous membranes.