What is yoga in air: simple exercises and efficiency of occupations

What is yoga in air: simple exercises and efficiency of occupations

Since wide circulation of yoga outside India it was repeatedly tried to be combined with the western sports disciplines, for example, with acrobatics or fitness. Some attempts turned out quite successful, such hybrid systems found popularity in the world. The yoga in air which is practiced now by millions of people also concerns them — is more detailed about it in article.

Yoga for relaxation of muscles: advantage, asanas, useful tips

Yoga for relaxation of muscles: advantage, asanas, useful tips

Ability it is correct to relax — important ability in the modern world full of chaos and stresses. At first sight it seems that full relaxation — quite simple task, but this wrong assumption: it is difficult to reach really deep discharge of muscle tissues. The special technique focused on a mental dream (withdrawal) on achievement of absolute rest of a body, reason and spirit can help with it.

Effective physical exercises for weight loss of thighs

Effective physical exercises for weight loss of thighs

Dreams of beautiful harmonious legs, wearisome diets and chaotic trainings for many quite often come to an end with deep disappointment. Buttocks, hips and a stomach are the most problem zones of a female body. About ways of disposal of extra kilos on them, rules of efficiency of the physical exercises and cunnings helping to accelerate achievement of the goal we will tell further in article and also we will consider the week program of the corresponding training.

Are wise — yoga for fingers of hands"

Are wise — yoga for fingers of hands"

In a daily pursuit of achievement of goals, unfortunately, many do not find enough time for the restoration. Results of the accelerated rates of modern life are full emotional and physical exhaustion, diseases and a long depression. To realize vital philosophy, will teach to become stronger spirit and to strengthen health of the body yoga. Are wise for fingers help to find harmony with the world around and the inner self. Further we will tell about subtleties of this practice, values of exercises and technology of their performance.

The most effective exercises for weight loss of calves and thighs in house conditions and gym"

The most effective exercises for weight loss of calves and thighs in house conditions and gym"

It is considered that beautiful and well-groomed legs of the woman should not be full. Happens so that a shape of legs attractive, but plump calves can spoil it. The complex of special exercises was developed for weight loss of legs. We suggest to get acquainted with it in more detail.