Trainings for pregnant women in gym: all pros and cons

Trainings for pregnant women in gym: all pros and cons

 In waiting time of the child of the woman make every effort not to do much harm to future kid: try to have a rest more, to worry less, to eat also in bigger quantity better. Thus they can often forget about the physical shape. And that to the kid it was good, the woman needs to move and it is even useful to visit gyms.

Set of exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester"

Set of exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester"

 Pregnancy is not the ban of active lifestyle. Some restriction of physical activities surely is present, but if there are no indications for health reasons, future mother can do fitness all term of pregnancy. In the first trimester to avoid threat for formation of a fruit, classes are given in the sparing mode, previously having consulted with the gynecologist. The respiratory gymnastics, relaxation receptions will prepare mother and future kid for the forthcoming childbirth.

Cod-liver oil for pregnant women: advantage and harm

Cod-liver oil for pregnant women: advantage and harm

 Cod-liver oil is the known means for prevention of rickets at children, saturation of an organism necessary elements and strengthenings of immunity in general. During pregnancy important is a question of reception of this vitamin complex, the woman's organism especially needs at this time the correct and balanced saturation by necessary vitamins and minerals. Whether it is necessary to accept cod-liver oil during pregnancy or its planning as this means influences development of the baby whether there are contraindications — about it in more detail in article.

Whether it is possible for pregnant women antiscorbutic vitamin

Whether it is possible for pregnant women antiscorbutic vitamin

 The most important of the substances coming to our organism is ascorbic acid which in translation designates is not present to a scurvy. Vitamin C – its only biologically active component therefore they are often identified. All know, this vitamin is how useful to the person, but as the organism of the pregnant woman reacts to it – this question is worthy separate discussion, and we will talk about it further.

As cheerfully it is also useful to spend vacation"

As cheerfully it is also useful to spend vacation"

 Very soon at schools summer vacation will begin. And many parents think in advance, than to be engaged on vacation to the teenager that he spent a free time with advantage.