What is sport

What is sport

Sport — the huge industry which covers all countries and continents. Various competitions became nearly main in telecasts long ago. People prefer to lead the healthy lifestyle, having appeared at least once under the impression of achievements of great athletes.

What types of run happen

What types of run happen

Run - the most popular exercise. It is used not only by athletes in the trainings, but not having relations to sport many people.

As it is correct to breathe during the power training

As it is correct to breathe during the power training

Without regular reasonable exercise stresses the body weakens, becomes helpless grows old quicker. But, as well as any other business, physical education has to submit to certain rules, up to breath.

How to increase the hand size

How to increase the hand size

Often at the athlete the disproportionate development of muscular groups can be observed. It can happen owing to the wrong load distribution. However this problem can be solved, having introduced some exercises in training process.

How to roll up bandage for boxing

How to roll up bandage for boxing

For the warning of dislocation or stretching of the thumb before putting on boxing gloves, it is necessary to bandage hands. Bandage are the first layer in the defense system of hands. They fix bones and the wrist, support them in the certain situation and give them the compact and most convenient form.